Streets are one of the most important elements in of the city. Streets provide the network of spaces and corners to interact, to meet and to gather. Streets make up the backbone of our cities not only as a physical element but also in representing meaning and identity. Streets serve both the mobility and the social functions of a city, hence successful cities are based on the form of streets and the connected street life.
In 2009 the major streets in Korogocho was upgraded, widened and paved. Overall this was very appreciated by the residents, but the design of the streets failed to meet the actual activities taking place on ground.
From the residents stories it is obvious that the increased mobility had led to an increased amount of high speed motor traffic, mainly constituted of boda boda, causing an increased number of accidents. Several children had become injured or even killed playing on the street or while trying to cross.
Another observation was the importance of different approaches on resident involvement to create a wider sense of care and attachment to the streets. Many residents felt that the streets was the property of the government instead of the dwellers in Korogocho, causing less care for the streets.'
As part of Korogocho Streetscapes initiative nine street signs were created and placed on different locations in Korogocho. Seven of the signs was designed as warning signs to give notice of school children and slow down the speed of the motorcyclists. In addition two signs were designed as placemaking signs to acknowledge, name and give identity to the streets.