The idea of the activity is to bring people from different communities of Nairobi together, and walk through the city as one group to overcome mental barriers separating people physically.
In 2015 a route of approximately 12km, from the Aga Khan walk in downtown Nairobi to Dandora in Korogocho was walked. Prior to the walk all necessary permits were achieved, and an ambulance was arranged to follow the group throughout the walk to guarantee safety of the participants. The walk started by the Aga Khan parking lot in downtown Nairobi, where t-shirts and maps were distributed. Then followed a route taking the group through different areas of the city. The group consisted of members from Hope Raisers Youth Initiative, the scouts in Korogocho, Architects without Borders, the Killimani Project Foundation and others. It also gathered some new followers along the way. One group was going by minibus to meet the rest of the participants in Huruma, and then joined the walk. After taking the group through Korogocho, the walk ended in Boma Rescue Centre, located in Dandora, where children of the centre performed, some food was served and a soccer tournament was held.